English 21007: Writing for Engineers
The Egg Assignment

The Egg Assignment

Avisak Baishnab

English 21007

A Treasure Chest We Call Egg

Eggs. Eggs look like one of the simplest things found in nature but are actually one of the most complex and unique things you can find and hold. There are different colors of eggs but most of the time you will see white and brown eggs. They have a hard but fragile shell that protects the little mystery inside of it, the yolk and the egg whites. The yolk is a slimy, yellow, blob that is surrounded by egg whites which is a clear, slimy, liquid that is inside the egg as well. Eggs have many uses and have continued to bring life in the form of food and animals. 

Many animals lay eggs but I will specifically talk about an egg from a chicken. A chicken produces an egg when it mates with a rooster. A rooster is a male version of a chicken. It usually takes a little over a day for the chicken to lay the egg. Once the chicken lays an egg there are two options, take the egg away from the chicken or let the chicken keep the egg. Most farmers today decide to take the first option and due to their choice, people today have eggs in almost every household, other than mine because we do not consume eggs due to our religion. If you let the chicken keep the egg, the chicken will supply the egg with warmth and wait for it to hatch. It takes approximately 21 days for the egg to hatch and once it hatches, a baby chicken will pop out of it. It sounds like magic but that’s just nature. 

Most people today consume eggs as a source of energy and protein. There are also many ways to make an egg like scrambled and hard boiled. Not only that, eggs are used to make different types of food like desserts, specifically cake. Sometimes people may even consume the egg raw in order to get the most nutritional value from it. Some people put it in a pan with oil and fry it a little for a good morning breakfast. Eggs are very important for people because they serve as food and an energy source. 

People have been consuming eggs since forever and the existence of eggs has allowed different types of food to flourish like desserts. Farmers all over the world collect these eggs in order to supply others with food and energy. Eggs are hard but fragile and are almost like a treasure chest. Eggs may look like nothing of importance but once you open it you will realize how much you can do with it.